Dental caries, also called as dental cavities or tooth decay, is a kind of disease which is resulting out of entire tooth structure damage. Occurrence of dental cavities is greatly spread worldwide, and this dental caries can even lead to infections, pains, tooth loss and in some cases if severe also caused death. But the number of dental caries cases has now decreased in some developed countries, happened because of good oral hygiene and better preventive steps taken such as exposure of fluoride. In developing countries around the world this tooth decay or the dental cavities still continues to be a problem.
- Surface of the tooth( dentine)
- Cariogenic bacteria( potentially carries-causing)
- Sucrose( fermentable carbohydrates)
- Time
Dental Caries Types
Two distinctions have been made between this cavities are basically found in the pits and fissures and on the smooth surfaces.
Initiation, progression and the location of these types greatly differs between each other.
- Visible holes or pits in the teeth
- Toothache – after cold or hot foods or drinks or after sweet
- Bad breath
How to diagnose dental caries?
kids dental care